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  • Writer's picturekenrdrysdale

Stand Together, Support Truth

Hey everyone, like many of you, I have been following a wide variety of "Alternative Media Personalities" Also Known As: Truth Tellers, for quite some time. I watch many of them so that I can get a variety of opinions, learn new things, and get tips and techniques for my own program and efforts. The vast majority of these folks are doing this on their own time and their own dime. NO billion dollar financial support packages from the Feds!

I want to talk about a true patriot and someone who has represented us all with vigour, truth and steadfastness.

Shadoe Davis, is a true Canadian Patriot, for a long time now, he has been bringing quality information, entertainment, news and commentary to all Canadians. He puts together a professional show, and it is a joy and a privilege to watch. He is a Winnipeg icon, who has stood up to the evil agenda, and I would imagine, at great personal cost.

Shadoe's commentary is heartfelt, truthful, sometimes irreverent, but always worth a close listen to.


Now, why I am I speaking about this.

Recently Shadoe decided to create a paid subscription service on Facebook, it costs $6.49 per month. Let me repeat $6.49 a month. That is less than a single cup of crappy woke coffee from Starbucks.

I also know how much time, and dedication it takes to put on a quality program like this one.

NOW, Shadoe is continuing to provide his show Free of Charge on Rumble and on Twitter.

I repeat, he is still providing his first class show for FREE on Rumble and Twitter.

More perspective, the Feds give $1.4 billion of your taxes to the CBC every year.


Let's support Sahdoe Davis

If you can, please subscribe to Shadoe's Facebook show.

Let's show Shadoe that we appreciate what he is doing, let's support this true patriot.

It takes a great deal of time effort and cost to put on this kind of program, and if you are not aware, Shadoe is very active in the Freedom Community.

So, I ask you, if you can, Please Support Sahdoe by subscribing to his Facebook Subscription service. It is up to you, but I have subscribed myself, I enjoy and appreciate what he is doing, and if you do, and maybe even if you do not...subscribe support TRUTH.


Just a Note of Transparency

I have not and did not discuss this post with Shadoe Prior to posting it.

I have been on Shadoe's show in the past, and I support his efforts.


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2023년 1월 20일

Black Sheep Media is another true Patriot and Reporter. Check him out.



2023년 1월 20일

I believe that it is best to provide a donate button on a page or website and ask people to donate to support their work but not to charge subscription fees. If people value the service they will donate. You and I have been working at this day and night and I have never asked for a cent. I have never heard you ask for a cent either. I believe that you should include a donate button on your website. You have a lot more costs associated with your work than I do. I am donating my time. But people who have costs of production should not have to pay for those alone. Also some people are not able financially…


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2023년 1월 20일

Thank you for what you stand for and what you do Ken



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2023년 1월 20일

I like to put 50.00 in your pocket cash. I'm trying to break free from cards online banking



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2023년 1월 20일

The facebook link for Shadow is not functioning, and it is perhaps hard for viewers to subscribe to everything. That being said, I am toying with the idea of subscribing to Daily Wire simply to see more of Jordan Peterson's podcasts, and it is expensive. It is good to support each other, and it is nice that you sent out this email. Hopefully one of these days I can find a new job, so that I can contribute more to things. Being unemployed or between jobs is not wonderful, but I am staying positive. Keep up the vision of our freedom, you are moving mountains Ken. You, Rosalie, Chris, and so many others etc. are such an inspiration!!!


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